In the fall of 1997 I was well on my way to learning java and wanted to learn more about databases as well. After experimenting with Postgresql I decided that I wanted something less sophisticated but more usable. After a search I settled on MySQL from T. c. X.
I installed the gwe jdbc drivers, which failed miserably, then the jms driver. The jms driver seemed to work at simple tasks but gave (then) unexplicable lockups. Upon investigation it was obvious that there were numerous, and sometimes basically structural problems with it. Dr. Xaiokun Kelvin ZHU has labored heroically to repair the faults in it, but a total rewrite was obviously required. In correspondence Dr. ZHU alluded to the fact that he wouldn't be available to do the rewrite. With some reluctance, I decided that I would undertake the task, designing from scratch rather than trying to salvage what was there.
While some of the potential of tjFM is still incomplete, my intentions in the design of this driver have been1) to be JDBC compliant to the greatest practical extent, and 2) enable java access to as many features of MySQL as practical and 3) to make the driver safe for sophisticated applications by incorporating features which would make it safe for use in multithreaded applications such as servlets and possibly applets. These objectives are not all completely compatible; how well I have suceeded in balancing them [not to mention implementing them] is something you will have to decide for yourself.
The current version of this package is here.
As of April 2002 tjFM is now available under terms of the Gnu Lesser Public
License. See the LICENSE doc for further details
Among the legalisms I proffer this warning from original doc:
Failure to abide by these terms will result in, at minimum, loosing a horde of cyberspace imps capable of mischief such as causing eczema, seborrea, and the heartbreak of psoriasis, premature baldness, your children to start wearing bizarre jewelry in strange places and going to the mall at one A. M., your favorite politican to embarass him(her)self [again], your internet provider to occasionally route your packets through Mozambique, your car to start making that funny noise, your spouse to suddenly decide he/she desparately and immediately needs a new car/furniture/carpets/boat, and your chief programmer, the one who actually knows what he's doing, to join a naked programming cult. Worse penalties may also accrue.
You use any of this at your own risk. The author and copyright holder expressly denies, refutes, rebukes, and refuses any assertion of any liability by any other person or organization due to use of any of the programs, code, or information in this package.
jdk1.1 and MySQL 3.21 and up. The author wrote this on a Linux 2.0.30 box running jdk1.1.3 with MySQL 3.21.13. The test applet ran under NetScape 4.04.
When you retrieve the package, possibly from here, you will have a file named twz1jdbcForMysql-xxx.tar.gz where xxx is the version and release number and a quality designation. For example the first alpha release may be twz1jdbcForMysql-0.5-alpha.tar.gz Depending on future developments a modification level may be included. As of the first alpha release I shall adhere to the convention of the last digit being even for "stable" versions and odd for pending changes. (yes, this is somewhat redundant).
First you must decide where to unpack this file. The unpack operation will write a heirarchy of subdirectories beneath it beginning with "twz1". Ultimately either the directory under which twz1 resides or the zip file containing the tjFM classes will have to be in your CLASSPATH. Note that the "twz1" directory is NOT in class path; it is the top of the package tree and resides UNDER a directory in CLASSPATH.
Assume you have retrieved the package file into /tmp/downloads and you wish the code to live under /u/java/bin. You would:
Alternately you may wish to unpack it under /usr/local/mysql and add /usr/local/mysql to your CLASSPATH variable.
If for some reason you wish to remove this package, all that is necessary is to erase its files. Go to the directory where you initially installed it and rm -R twz1/*, then rmdir twz1. You may also wish check that you don't have the zip file in your CLASSPATH.
Java source and class files in the package level | |
DbMd | A class to implement DatabaseMetaData. |
DMKey DMKTine DMTable DMTabCol | Classes to extract key column information. |
RSMd | Implements the JDBC API of ResultSetMetaData. |
Row | Handles parsing of the data from the backend. |
jdbcMysqlBag | This class manages the communication between the MySQL daemon and the driver, and also interpretation of the raw data. |
jdbcMysqlBase | Centralization of data about this driver. Includes static methods for managing MySQL data outside of the jdbc API and the initialization of the configuration. |
jdbcMysqlConnex | Implements the JDBC API of Connection. |
jdbcMysqlDebug | A static class to log debugging info. |
jdbcMysqlDriver | Implements the JDBC API of Driver. |
jdbcMysqlDumpBuffer | A small class to hex dump a string. |
jdbcMysqlField | A class for managing column information. |
jdbcMysqlMutex | A class to synchronize access to resources . |
jdbcMysqlPStmt | The class which implements PreparedStatement. |
jdbcMysqlPSParam | A class to do low-level manipulation of Prepared Statement parameter data. |
jdbcMysqlResult | A class to manage caching of results. An intermediary between Statement and ResultSet. |
jdbcMysqlRSet | Implements the JDBC API of ResultSet. |
jdbcMysqlStmt | Implements the JDBC API of Statement. |
jdbcMysqlURL | Handles parsing of the URL and a hashtable of configuration options. |
tjFM attempts to have it more than both ways. If the property "multipleQuery" is set to false then tjFM acts as a trivial (well, not really) conduit between the application and the TCPIP connection to mysqld; any attempt to execute a second query on a connection while a first is still active will be met with an SQLException. The good thing about this is that it comsumes a minimal amount of client side resources. If multipleQuery is set to true (the default) the response to a query will be cached. More you have the option of caching to memory (default) or to disk by setting the "cacheMode" property to "disk". Of course disk caching is not available in applets unless you override the SecurityManager's restriction on write. The cache file will by default be in the current directory under the name of <number>.cache where "number" is internally generated. If you wish this file written to another directory you can use the "cachePath" property to set the cache directory. This file will be erased when the ResultSet is properly closed.
twz1jdbcForMysql is designed to allow numerous options. Applications, as opposed to applets, are configured by way of properties files, a native feature of java. In tjFM configuration options are also referred to generically as properties.
Properties are set by the file from the current directory or the home directory of the current user as determined from system properties (not the user specified in the URL) which may be subsequently overridden by other properties files specified by the property "moreProperties" up to an arbitrary depth of 16 fileis. These become the "default properties" for the driver and subsequently become the default properties for a connection. At the connection level the driver defaults may be overridden by properties specified on the getConnection() method or ultimately overridden by the parameter variable specified in the url.
I stress again that properties and property files are a feature available only in applications and not applets. A future release may provide means of specifying properties by a default URL, but for now the default properties specified below can only be overridden by the properties or URL specified on the getConnection() method or a call to jdbcMysqlBase.setDefaultProperty().
Supported properties in | ||
property name | default value | notes |
autoReX | true | true, false, yes, no. This property controls use of the automatic reconnect for a data update (delete/insert/update) command. The default is true, but there exists a very small window of risk of data corruption by double action if autoReX is true and the backend db goes down after it has executed the command but before reporting it to tjFM then sucessfully restarts. Autoreconnect is always used in a query. |
cacheMode | memory | Options are "memory" or "disk". This will control whether query results are cached to memory or disk for subsequent retrieval from ResultSet methods. The standard tradeoffs apply: memory is generally faster but is relatively exhaustible. Note that this is meaningless if "multipleQuery" is false for this connection. |
cachePath | . | The directory where cache files [named <numeric-request-id>.cache] will be written if "cacheMode" is set to "disk". |
connectionTimeout | 120 | The time, in seconds that a thread blocked waiting for access to the connection will wait before receiving an SQLException. |
db | mysql | This is the "database", in MySQL argot, to which the driver makes available upon connection. In reality it is a directory name. In tjFM a MySQL database is equated to a "catalog" in the JDBC API. |
dbmdDB | <connection> | The database (catalog) to use in a DatabaseMetaData connection. |
dbmdMaxRows | 65536 | The maximum rows returned in a DatabaseMetaData query. |
dbmdPassword | <connection> | The password to use making a DatabaseMetaData connection. |
dbmdUser | <connection> | The user ID to use makeing a DatabaseMetaData connection. |
dbmdXcept | false | Should an exception be thrown on unsupported methods? The default is false, implying that an empty table will be returned. |
debugFile | [none] | Tells tjFM to enable debugging and the specified name is the file to which debug data will be written. Note that debugging may have a significantly adverse effect on performance. At present debugging can only be activated at initialization. Unavailable in applets. |
debugRead | false | Options are true or false (or yes or no). This option is effective only if debugging is turned on by specifying a "debugFile" at initialization. If set true, data read from the MySQL server will be dumped in hex format to the debug file; this file will become very large very rapidly and performance of the driver and its application will be vastly degraded. |
debugWrite | false | Options are true or false (or yes or no). This option is effective only if debugging is turned on by specifying a "debugFile" at initialization. If set true, data written to the MySQL server will be dumped in hex format to the debug file; performance of the driver and its application will be degraded. |
host | localhost | This is the host machine to which tjFM attempts to connect for access to the mysql backend. |
maxField | 65535 | The maximum size in bytes of a field (column in a row) returned to the application. As per the API data larger than this will be "silently truncated". At the upper bound this is also limited by the maximum size of the buffer that mysqld will allocate - which is controllable in the startup script for mysqld. Note that there is a method in Statement to change this. |
maxRows | Integer.MAX_VALUE | The maximum number of rows which will be retrieved by the jdbc driver before the rest are "silently discarded" (as per API). This is settable by methods in Statement. |
moreProperties | [none] | Tells the driver at initialization time to look for more properties in the specified file. The maximum possible depth of these files has been arbitrarily set to 16 to avoid passible loops. Properties found in later files override previous settings. |
multipleQuery | true | True/false/yes/no. If true data returned from a query will be cached (see "cacheMode" and "cachePath"). Setting this to false will cause any connection to be made in "singleQuery" mode which will prevent more than one Statement or ResultSet from being open on one connection at one time. |
password | [none] | The password by which MySQL validates the user connection. Note that "user" and "password" are artifacts of MySQL and need not reflect a user name or password from the host or client system. |
port | 3306 | The port on "host" by which we attempt to reach the MySQL engine. |
privateSQL | true | True/false/yes/no. Controls whether tjFM dynamic configuration can occur through "private SQL" statements in execute(). (e. g. execute("jdbc: cacheMode disk") to set the cacheMode of this statement to disk for future operatons. Note: dynamic configuration is not yet implemented. |
rsmdXcept | false | Should an exception be thrown on ResultSetMetaData requests which are inconsistant with the column type? Default is no. |
rsDateXcept | false | If true, throw an exception if date is prior to 1900 on a getDate, otherwise return a null. This inconvenience is a java.sql.Date artifact. |
socketTimeout | [none] | The time in seconds that a socket will block before throwing an IOException. Zero means permanent. Not specifying this will leave the socket as created by your java implementation, usually permanent. |
user | [none] | The name with which the user is connected to MySQL. |
RSLock | false | Enable locking of ResultSet queries against the Statement. Generally unnecessary unless the application shares Statements and ResultSets across multiple threads. |
SO_LINGER | [none] | The number of seconds to linger waiting for socket close handshaking to complete. Not specifying this leaves the socket state as created by your java implementation. |
TCP_NODELAY | [none] | True/false/yes/no. A socket control option. This will turn on or off Nagle's algorithm for buffer flushing. Not specifying it leaves the socket as java implements it. |
Before writing or using an application with tjFM you want to write a file, described above, or at least understand what the defaults are. tjFM will look for this file first in the current directory and if it doesn't find it there, in the home directory of the userid invoking the program. Other than that tjFM works like most other JDBC drivers.
twz1jdbcForMysql obeys standard methods of initialization. The driver registers itself statically when loaded. The package name is twz1.jdbc.mysql and the driver class is jdbcMysqlDriver. Hence you initialize tjFM by:
(It's always a good idea to catch exceptions, though!) At this point all the methods of DriverManager are available. The jdbcMysqlBase class is also instantiated upon load; the properties files are read and the tables built. The static jdbcMysqlBase methods are now available, and if debugging is enabled it is in effect.
tjFM accepts and considers its own URL's with the prefix "jdbc:z1MySQL:". DriverManager will pass its static requests for any URL with that prefix to tjFM. To establish a connection with MySQL you use one of the variants of DriverManager.getConnection(). At minimum you specify a URL; other forms of getConnection will accept name, password, and a properties list; these are passed to tjFM as a URL and a properties list (specifying the name and password in getConnection() results in DriverManager building a properties list if you haven;t already). Values in a passed properties list supercede any already in effect. Properties in the URL will supercede even those.
Using square brackets to indicate optional values, the URL will be parsed as follows:
Later properties in the URL supercede earlier ones. As of now, no URL character decoding is done but that should not pose a problem as it is unlikely that the desired value of any property value would not be representable in a String.
Perhaps an example -- from
header("Loading Driver"); try { Class.forName("twz1.jdbc.mysql.jdbcMysqlDriver"); } catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);} ... header("The following connex will succeed"); cx = null; url = "jdbc:z1MySQL:"; try { cx = DriverManager.getConnection(url); } catch(SQLException se){System.out.println(se);} ....
In this example nothing was specified in the URL - everything of importance came from the properties file: that's probably good practice because it is easier to edit the properties than it is to recompile code.
A test program, is supplied with tjFM which illustrates the above. To actually run it, you will need to set the "user", "password", and "db" parameters in the file. You will also have to create a "jdbctest" database in MySQL for which the user you specified is authorized to create and drop tables as well as write to them.
There is now also a supplied which continues the testing of features in tjFM.
At this point follow the API and MySQL is yours to program with!
My experience has been at writing applications, not applets, but, on the other hand, I never intentionally coded anything in any way which could not be used in applets. Now, there are many features of tjFM which will not work in applets due to the sandbox restrictions: properties initialization fails (the SecurityException is caught internally), debug files, and most importantly, disk caching will not work. But the rest of the features and function, in theory, should work.
Well, there was "documentation" at the top of my TODO list, and while glumly glancing through it I noticed a "try it in an applet" down near the bottom. Guess what I did.
The test applet, source and class, and a sample html page are in the ./twz1/jdbc/mysql/htdocs directory all named appropriate extensions of jdbcTestApplet1. There is also a "" file which is in fact merely an archive of the class files from the ./twz/jdbc/mysql directory. To use this test code move the lot to a directory accessible under your webserver. Change the paths in the html file to reflect the paths under the webserver root correctly.
To actually run the applet, you need a browser with java 1.1 support. Because of security restrictions the IP address for your MySQL host must be the same as the webserver. Unlike the application test, you will have to modify the URL specified in and recompile it. Then specify the URL of the html file to your webserver and watch it run.
Programatically, invocation of the driver in an applet does not differ from in an application.
Good luck!
It has been brought to my attention that IE4 has a problem with DriverManager. In this case it may be necessary to invoke tjFM as just another class rather than through the static invocation of "Class.forName"
and subsequently use cx as you would otherwise.
As stated in the introduction, I have tried to follow the API as far as practical. For the most part behavior of the methods should be a fair reflection of what the API docs say. Here, however are some notes on my misgivings where various methods may not be in full compliance with the API and/or I dislike the API.
CallableStatement |
Not implemented. MySQL doesn't support a callable statement and so far as I am aware the developers have no plans to do so. In the far future I may implement this with methods to throw appropriate exceptions just to maximize API compliancy. OTOH there is the even more remote possibility of providing this function solely through this driver. |
Connection | |
All methods except the constructor will test that the connection is open and throw an exception if it is not. | |
setCatalog() | A catalog refers to what the MySQL documentation and community call a "database". |
getCatalog() | Returns the current "database" in MySQL argot. |
clearWarnings() | Currently does nothing. |
commit() | Docs, (in dbmd) say commit should be a no-op. Previously threw. |
getWarnings() | Currently returns null. In the future will make the error stack from the most recent error available. Note that the API is potentially flawed in re threading as there is no inherent connection between this request and the one which caused the warnings. |
getTransactionIsolation() | Returns TRANSACTION_NONE |
setTransactionIsolation() | Accepts TRANSACTION_NONE, else throws an exception. |
rollback() | throws an exception. |
setAutoCommit() | Accepts true else throws exception. |
getAutoCommit() | Returns true. |
setReadOnly() | MySQL doesn't support read only connections. tjFM throws an exception here. If there is interest this option could be implemented in the driver in the future. |
isReadOnly | returns false. |
getDataBaseMetaData() | Now supported if not thoroughly tested. |
nativeSQL() | Echos back the parameter. |
prepareCall() | MySQL doesn't support called statements. Throws an exception. |
prepareStatement() | PreparedStatement is implemented wholly within tjFM; MySQL does not natively do them. The PS methods exist as a means of sending binary data to MySQL, which would otherwise be impossible because of the String representation of data in the execute methods. |
DataBaseMetaData | |
Now implemented but only lightly tested. Fixed value methods return, probably mostly right. Most ResultSet methods will throw an SQLException. getCatalogs(), getTables(), and getColumns() now work as per the API, but schema specifications must be null. getTableTypes() will return only "TABLE". Pattern matching closely matches the API but includes the escape sequences in MySQL's LIKE. Note that DBMD methods are not as efficient as calling the MySQL "show" methods as that is how they are generated with the additional overhead of translation into the DBMD specified ResultSets. | |
getBestRowIdentifier() | Will scan the key definitions for a unique key of a single auto-incremented column and return info on that, failing this it will return info on the primary key, otherwise returning an empty ResultSet. |
getCatalogs() | implemented. |
getColumns() | implemented. |
getIndexInfo() | Returns information about all or just the unique keys depending on the "unique" parameter. No statistics are returned, only the list of keys and the data discernable through "show keys" The "approximate" parameter is ignored. |
getPrimaryKeys() | implemented. |
getTables | implemented. |
Driver |
Fairly consistent with the API. |
PreparedStatement | |
PreparedStatement is implemented as a means of sending binary data to MySQL. The parameter string in the prepareStatement of Connection uses question marks as the parameter substitution character. Against the need to use a question mark in the instantiation string, the question mark is self escaping. Note that upon submission to the database all the parameters (except NULLs) will be apostrophe encapsulated [MySQL doesn't care, even for numeric data]. | |
setXXX() | Many of the API setXXX methods have parameters to specify a java.sql.type. Since the communication between the driver and MySQL happens as octet strings and MySQL does all necessary type conversion internally, these type parameters are universally ignored in tjFM. |
setAsciiStream() | These are all treated the same. The use of the length parameter in the API is not clearly documented. tjFM uses it as a maximum length. The stream is NOT closed so that if the stream is otherwise unmolested subsequent calls would read subsequent data until the stream is exhausted [testable by ready()]. It must be noted that data is read AT THE TIME OF EXECUTE, not when the set method is called. |
setObject() | This method will insert the string representation of the object into the parameter unless an sqltype is specified as java.sql.Types.OTHER in which case the object will be stored as a serialized object. |
ResultSet | |
wasNull() | Adheres to the API, but this is not well thought out on the part of SUN: should different threads access the RS wasNull() could easily give bogus results. See similar concerns about Warnings. |
getWarnings() | Currently returns null. In the future will make the error stack from the most recent error available. Note that the API is potentially flawed in re threading as there is no inherent connection between this request and the one which caused the warnings. |
clearWarnings() | Does nothing at present. |
getCursorName() | MySQL doesn't do cursors. Puke. ... In a later release I may support this within the driver. |
getBoolean() | The current release of MySQL doesn't support booleans though this will change shortly. For the present if the db returns some variant of "true", "false", "yes", "no", 0 or 1 this will return the appropriate boolean value. |
getAsciiStream() | Because MySQL does not distinguish between binary and text data these are treated the same, returning a stream representation of the bytes returned from MySQL. |
getUnicodeStream() | This assumes that java does it right in converting bytes to unicode in String, then back into bytes via getBytes (then back to unicode in InputStream [ possibly I could skip the intermediate steps] ). |
getObject() | This will return an object of a type matching the column type as closely as possible. All text types (no binary flag - see the MySQL Reference) will be returned as String. Numeric types are fairly intuitive, but decimals will be returned as doubles. All blobs will be returned as byte arrays. Note that Object deserialization has been completely disabled within this method (MySQL has no way of flagging such an entity in the metadata); Object deserialization can still be accomplished by instantiating an ObjectInputStream with the result of a getBinaryStream. (See in ./twz1/jdbc/mysql/test for an example). |
ResultSetMetaData | |
isAutoIncrement | A very recent version of MySQL has code to return this from the db but I haven't yet upgraded. Will support this shortly. Currently always returns false. |
isCurrency() | Always false. |
isSearchable() | Always true. |
getColumnDisplaySize() | Because all variable size elements are stored as BLOB's in MySQL this will be very large for all variable text and binary objects regardless of the actual table definition. |
getPrecision() | Returns the size of the column if it is numeric. No accounting for the decimal point, sign or mantissa. Sorry. Suggestions welcome. Throws up if type is not numeric. |
getScale() | Returns the number of digits on the right of the decimal point for a numeric type. Pukes if not numeric. |
getColumnType() | Some confusion here because of the way MySQL represents variable strings (and my failure to investigate properly). Currently all variable-defined strings return as VARBINARY and VARCHAR where they are defined as fixed. Needs fixed. |
getCatalogName() | Oops. Forgot this. Will be there soon. |
isReadOnly() | Always false. |
isWritable() | Always true. |
Statement | |
close() | The API doc doesn't say whether a closed statement can be subsequently reused. I render it unusable. This can easily be changed or made configurable if there is sufficient reason. |
getMaxFieldSize() | There are dependencies on the communication buffer size which are not reflected in the API. This value has a default of 65k which can be overridden at instantiation by the "maxField" property. A future release may have warnings when data is truncated, but the API says data is "silently truncated". |
getMaxRows() | Default at instantiation is 200, overridable by the "maxRows" property. |
setEscapeProcessing() | As MySQL's escape processing is implicit and invariant this throws an exception. In a future release I may implement means of local escape processing. |
getQueryTimeout() | Varies from the API meaning because MySQL's connections require that a processing query complete before further processing continues. Hence, Statement, ResultSets and ResultSetMetaData requests lock at the statement level before continuing. These methods set/query the time until a lock expires (and an exception is thrown to the invoking process). I understand a future version of MySQL will have the ability to cancel a processing query; once that is so, this may be changed to more closely model the evident intent of the API. |
cancel() | Because of statement locks (see get/setQueryTimeout()) this will only invalidate any currently valid results. When MySQL supports query cancellation, this may be changed to properly reflect the API. |
clearWarnings() | Currently does nothing. |
getWarnings() | Currently returns null. In the future will make the error stack from the most recent error available. Note that the API is potentially flawed in re threading as there is no inherent connection between this request and the one which caused the warnings. |
setCursorName() | MySQL doesn't curse, but you may as this throws an exception. |
There are things one may wish to do with a database which are not part of the API. Some things may be specific to the db in question. Others may have to do with configuration of the driver. Still others may be oversights in the API.
twz1jdbcForMysql was designed to be highly configurable. However tjFM is still brand new and I have concentrated more on getting it running and usable than on implementing the "bells and whistles", hence there is a great deal of potential which is as yet unrealized.
Access to tjFM will be by two means, calls to static methods in jdbcMysqlBase or by a "private" - that is beginning with "jdbc:" - SQL statement passed to the execute() method of "Statement". It should be noted that using either of these will result in code which is not portable to other databases. The latter means will compile cleanly and may run cleanly if the exceptions are properly caught and dealt with.
As of this writing private SQL is not implemented at all, and only a few of the jdbcMysqlBase methods are available. You can look at the twz1.jdbc.mysql.jdbcMysqlBase.html file generated by javadoc.
Update: long jdbcMysqlBase.getLastInsertID(Statement) now works if the driver supports it. A return of -1 means that the last statement was not an insert, the driver doesn't support the automatic return of lastInsertID or the lastInsertID was -1.
To use the jdbcMysqlBase methods you call them statically as
While not yet available the eqivalent of the above example for a private sql statement, would be, if there existed a Statement created under "books" called "shelve", would be:
Currently there are static methods to retrieve the names of the driver default properties (those actually set, not those at their default values), the value of a named driver default property, to query or set MultipleQuery on a connection, and to turn on or off Debug dumps of read/write packets across the communication with the MySQL daemon. Many more are planned.
Many people have been of valuable assistance while I have written this. The following list is not exhaustive - I lost my HD some months back and lost some correspondence (please don't be upset if you're not on the list but should be), but among others I would like to thank:
Thank you, for your suggestions, requests, bug reports, cooperation, assistance and persistance. Even when directed only towards your own problems your efforts have helped me make tjFM better for everybody, and when directed toward the common good there is nothing left to say except again, Thanks!
Sun has now released jdk1.2 and JDBC 2.0. tjFM does not yet have all the corresponding methods for 2.0 to match the abstract classes and hence cannot be compiled under a jdk1.2 system.
Of course I will be upgrading tjFM for 1.2 compliancy, but as I run only Linux at home that will have to wait until the Linux-java porting project release it and then some time for me to write in and test the additional methods.
As most of the additional methods in JDBC 2.0 concern features which are irrelevant to MySQL (of course a few will be quite useful..) this should not prevent anyone from using tjFM as is -- compiled under 1.1 -- while running under 2.0 so long as they use only the backward compatible features.
Unfortunately, there's a snag - or rather a bug: 4172371 (Thanks Neil! [for tracking it down]) - in the new version of the jvm which produces a verify error for some classes compiled with the -O option under 1.1.
To circumvent this I have created a new directory under twz1, twz1/noopt/twz1/jdbc/mysql which contains a non-optimized version of the classes. To use this in preference to the optimized classes you point your classpath at twz1/noopt rather than at the directory above (the first) twz1.
"... hasn't been written yet. It's whatever you make it to be, so make it a good one!"
With that thought, considering how much there is to do, I'm going to go start on it right now.
The more retrospective folks can gander at the CHANGES file. Similarly the entire javadoc generated file should be available wherever you're reading this under packages.html.
Please let me know of problems you find in this package and or changes you think would be useful. I can be reached at
-- TWZ
-- TWZ 980928